Wednesday, July 22, 2009


The Tour de France is in it's final week and Team Astana has the yellow jersey. Sounds like a reason for a sale!

For the rest of the tour, as long as Team Astana has the yellow jersey, you can use the following code to get 10% of your Strider Bike: tourstride

Instead of $98.00, you'll be paying $88.20 - go team Astana!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Business Cards

Today I ordered some business cards - 500 to be specific - to fill in with my info and hand out. If you think you'd be willing to hand some out to friends/family send me an email and I'll send you some. Thank you so much!

In other news, another Strider bike is making it's way to it's owner this afternoon! That makes six so far - woohoo!