Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Fall is Here!

It's been a wonderful Fall season in MN with warm weather and lots of beautiful leaves. The weather has afforded lots of bike rides - now if the days just weren't so short...

Over the last couple of months, I've been hearing all sorts of great stories of kids learning to ride their first pedal bikes, many as young as 3, all because they started on a Strider. That's awesome! Congratulations to all you Strider graduates out there - great job.

Despite being able to ride a pedal bike, Charlotte still loves to grab her Strider and tear it up. Here are some shots of our Strider adventures this past weekend.

If you have some photos of your little one and their Strider in action, send pictures or video to adamsbikeshop@gmail.com or visit us on Facebook and upload them there.